Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blessed to be a Blessing

Luke 12:32-34
32"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

A friend and I spent this morning going to 7 schools in Bessemer to tell the counselors about Angel Food so that they can help us identify families with an urgent need for food.

They were all receptive but three stuck out to me...

One counselor got tears in her eyes and said "You have no idea how much it means that someone wants to help. We had a family just last week that we sent to the Salvation Army because we didn't know what else to do for them. Thank you so much for caring."

One counselor told us that many of their students eat breakfast and lunch at school and they don't eat again until they come back to school. Can you imagine not giving your kids an afternoon snack...nevermind not being able to provide any dinner? What about a snack before bed? These children just go to bed hungry. Right here in Birmingham.

While searching for one school, we had gotten a little turned around and we were later getting to this school than we had planned. We found the counselor and you know what she said? "Oh please come in. I have a family in my office RIGHT NOW that needs help". We met Ms. U and her son. I don't know their story but I know that she doesn't know how she's going to feed her children this summer when they don't have school meals. She was so grateful to meet us. I kind of laughed and said "what are the chances we would be here at the same time?" And the counselor said (in the hallway of the public school), "That was God's timing. He will provide!" Because of God's gracious provision and God's perfect timing, Ms. U and her three children will have a box of food delivered to them this month and in the months to come.

So it's no surprise but guess what? God is at work. He is blessing His people so that they can bless those around them. You don't have to go far to be a blessing. If you're reading this blog, you have internet access. So if you'd like to feed a family this month, please follow the steps below and allow the Lord to use you to minister to the poor and needy in our city. Please forward to anyone you can think of! :)



Grace Klein Construction, Inc. and friends are organizing a monthly food drive to help families in need in Shelby County. We are working in conjunction with Angel Food Ministries as they provide boxes of food at a very reasonable price. .

If you are interested in feeding families in Birmingham, in the name of Jesus, please follow these simple steps:
1) Go online to
2) Select order online.
3) Select host site (choose one)
a. Enter Asbury UMC, Birmingham, AL 35242 – Jefferson County
b. Enter Alabaster First Baptist, Alabaster, AL 35007 – Shelby County
4) Click on order online.
5) Select as many boxes as you wish. (Consider the signature and senior box)
6) Under “Your Information” section enter your full name in the first name
field and enter GKC Friends in the last name field. **This is urgent for
7) Pay by debit or credit card.
8) Done – you just fed some folks (thank you!!)

Once you have completed these simple steps, GKC & Friends will pick up the boxes of food and distribute to families in need in the Birmingham area. We will represent Christ with each box shared. If you are interested in helping with the distribution of these boxes, please email Tim Bower at for Jefferson County and Elon Gilchrist at for Shelby County.

Grace Klein Construction, Inc.
3325 Lorna Road, Suite 2304
Hoover, Alabama 35216

Monday, May 3, 2010

Some Clarification

Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?

Obviously my last post has garnered much response (some posted comments, mostly personal emails, phone calls, or in person conversations). The responses have been overwhelmingly positive, but of course some have their concerns. I hadn't thought it necessary to deal with people's concerns directly until I read my cousin Jaclyn's comment. You need to know a few things about Jaclyn. 1. She is a phenomenal mother. Really. We've all noticed it from the moment her first son was born. She balances love and discipline, structure and fun like no one else. When Jaclyn has something to say about mothering - I listen. 2. Jaclyn and her husband have experienced unspeakable tragedy in their lives. She has a quiet strength and knows adversity in a way I do not. When Jaclyn has something to say about pain and suffering - I listen. 3. Jaclyn is the polar opposite of outspoken, obnoxious, in-your-face blunt. So if Jaclyn feels strongly enough to boldly express her concerns - I listen.

So this post is not a direct response to my cousin's comment, but her comment did make me stop and think. And I'm sure that her concerns are shared by many out there who know and love us. So this post is to clarify a few things.

A few things I'd like you to know:
1. We are not going alone. This initiative is being led by one of our pastors. He and his wife have 3 children very close to our girls' ages. 30+ families are seriously praying about moving to East Lake as well. Most have put their houses on the market. One couple has already bought a house in East Lake, several others are in the process. East Lake movers range from young singles to young marrieds to young families to families with teens to retired couples. Each person has an amazing story about how God has been preparing them for this. We could write a book.

2. We are not moving into a violent crime area. Yes we will have an alarm system, no we won't be out at night, and yes our patio furniture may get stolen. We are moving into an area of poverty and will certainly be much closer to violent crime than we are in our current gated community. But we feel like we are being reasonable with our choice of neighborhood.

3. School is our biggest decision at this point. Obviously the public schools are not great. However, we truly want to be in community with our neighbors and sending our children away to private school might hinder that. So we are praying for direction trusting that God will show us what is best for our girls and what is best for this mission He has called us to. Though it's hard for me to fathom, God loves our girls even more than we do. I believe that ultimately what is His will and what is best for our children will not be in conflict.

4. We have served in inner city Birmingham in the past but for many months Jes and I have felt frustrated that we "go" and serve (locally or globally) but then come home to our comfortable, easy life. It's just not enough for us. We are thinking of this much like you would think of moving to another country to become a missionary. In many ways this is much, much easier but our hope is to build deep relationships with people. We believe that there is no better way to show the love of Jesus to people than by sharing life with them and we just can't do that from 35242.

I'm sure this doesn't address all questions. Obviously there is risk involved in what we are doing and we don't take that lightly. To be quite honest the welfare of our children has been my first and greatest struggle. I have literally lost sleep over it and I pray I would never, ever put them in danger because I'm being reckless. However, there is no doubt in our minds that this is a calling from God. Honestly, it wasn't my idea. It wasn't Jes' idea. Trust me. It really wasn't. But if we are certain we are called to this then we are certain we can trust God when we go. We are not promised safety, or comfort, or ease. Jesus certainly didn't have a life of safety, comfort, or ease. But we are promised that if God calls us, people WILL be saved and He WILL be glorified. That's what we are living for.

It won't be easy but we go with confidence knowing that God is with us. We covet your prayers. When you worry about us or are frightened on behalf of our girls, please stop right then and pray. I assure you that you have no worry or concern that I haven't felt 10-fold. But God has been faithful to quiet my spirit and calm my heart. All I have to do is pray.

PS: Ben and Kylie DeLoach are the pastor/wife moving to EL. She recently posted some info on her blog that y'all might enjoy.