Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Guatemala 2010

Isaiah 41:17
When the poor and needy seek water,
and there is none,
and their tongue is parched with thirst,
I the LORD will answer them;
I the God of Israel will not forsake them.

We were driving through Guatemala City, past the “ghetto” where the poorest of the poor live. The homes are really tin sheds, at best. Our pets and lawnmowers have nicer accommodations. Many of the children who live in this ghetto are orphaned. “Poverty” doesn’t even seem to accurately describe what we saw.

We arrived at the church, Iglesia Adonai. We enjoyed a wonderful service with familiar worship songs sung in Spanish. The boys behind us were giggling and trying to engage us. We smiled back and communicated with gestures and our limited Spanish. They asked to play with my camera and I happily obliged, watching them take pictures of their friends as their friends tried to hide behind one another. Riley shared her activity book and the boys were amazed by the erasable ink.

At one point, one of the boys, probably 9 or 10 years old, pointed to my water bottle and made the motion of drinking. He was asking for my water bottle. I laughed and said no. “Surely he’s kidding,” I thought. Who would ask a stranger for their water? As soon as I turned around, a terrible feeling came over me. Conviction. Guilt. Heartbreak. Before my first trip to Guatemala in 2008, Jes gave me this verse from Matthew 10, “Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” A cup of cold water for a little one. What if this boy was thirsty? How could I have so quickly forgotten that he and his family struggle to survive? That he may not know where his next meal is coming from? How could I have been so selfish? Have I ever known real hunger or thirst? What if this boy was truly thirsty? I quickly grabbed my Spanish dictionary and looked up “thirsty”. Then I asked him, “Sediento? Sediento?” He nodded vigorously. I gave him my water bottle and touched his sweet dirty face. Looking into his eyes, I told him “Jesus Cristo te ama”. He drank half of the 20 ounces in one gulp. He was thirsty.

I was so ashamed of my selfishness and so overwhelmed with God’s love for this little boy, I had to turn around so he wouldn’t see me cry. As another song began, I stood, one hand raised in worship, tears streaming down my face. With my eyes closed, I suddenly felt two small arms around my waist. I looked down to see two brown eyes looking up at me with gratitude and love. A divine moment. He wasn’t angry that I had hesitated to share with him. He wasn’t frustrated with my selfishness. In that moment, he taught me more about my Savior’s love than I could have ever taught him. Patient. Kind. Unconditional.

Before, he left, I asked his name. I showed him my journal so he would know I was going to write down his name and remember him. His reply? “Andy”. Andy?! “Mi padre es Andy!” That’s my father’s name. He showed a small smile. No way would I ever forget this child’s name.

(I had forgotten that Andy’s friend still had my camera. I was completely oblivious to the fact that his friend had captured this moment. What a precious gift to discover on the bus as we pulled away!)

I spent many sleepless hours praying for Andy that week. And I still do. I pray that he will have food, water, and shelter. Even more importantly, I pray that he will find the source of living water in Jesus. “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” Would you pray for Andy too?

There are so many things I want to share with you about our trip. It was an incredible week. I loved sharing the experience with Riley and she is already asking when we can go back. Hundreds of children heard the gospel that week and many professed that Jesus is Lord and Savior of their lives. Some of the ladies on our team were able to share our testimonies with 120 women and teenage girls. We were able to minister to women who are hurting from past abuse, who struggle with shame, or who are overwhelmed with the burdens in their lives. These women heard the hope of the gospel. They heard the truth that, through Jesus Christ, they have value, they are freed from shame and guilt, and they have a Savior who knows their every need. So once more, I humbly thank you for your support. I thank you for sacrificing financially so that Riley and I could take this trip. I thank you for your prayers of protection and provision while we traveled. I thank you for your obedience. Please pray for us as we prepare for 2011. In July, Jes plans to travel to Southeast Asia to teach the New Testament to underground church leaders. In September, I hope to travel to Uganda with a medical team. In November, Riley and I would love to return to Guatemala. Only by God’s grace do we have the privilege to go and show Jesus to the world. Thank you for being a part of God’s mission to the nations!
I look forward to the day, when we will all worship our Father together…you, me, and my sweet friends in Guatemala…

Revelation 7:16-17
Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst.
The sun will not beat down on them, nor any scorching heat.
For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd;
He will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Baby Girl

And He who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." He said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." Rev 21:5

This is a story from the Lovelady Center, a Christian residential facility that helps women from difficult circumstances. Lovelady is a safe haven for women (and their children) who are homeless, leaving abusive relationships, recovering from addiction, or coming out of prison.

A staff member overheard two residents talking. One said to the other, "Hey Baby Girl, come over here". The staff member quickly reminded the ladies "we don't use our prison names here. We use our real names". Baby Girl replied, "but that is my real name. My mother abandoned me at birth so I was never named. My birth certificate just says 'Baby Girl'."

The staff member asked her if she'd like to get a new name. The staff member walked this lady through the process of legally changing her identity. For the first time in her life, she now has a name.

I take a lot of things for granted and then I try to be aware of that and be thankful for my home, my family, my job, the food on our table every meal. I never, not once, thought to thank God that when I was born, I was loved enough to be named, to be given an identity. Then I realize a greater truth. Despite my rebellion, in spite of all the ways I fall short of God's holiness, God has given me a new identity in Christ. I am Child of the King, Friend, Beloved. May I never forget that I have been graciously, undeservedly, and eternally blessed by a Father who knows my name. Thank you God that You are making all things new...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blessed to be a Blessing

Luke 12:32-34
32"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

A friend and I spent this morning going to 7 schools in Bessemer to tell the counselors about Angel Food so that they can help us identify families with an urgent need for food.

They were all receptive but three stuck out to me...

One counselor got tears in her eyes and said "You have no idea how much it means that someone wants to help. We had a family just last week that we sent to the Salvation Army because we didn't know what else to do for them. Thank you so much for caring."

One counselor told us that many of their students eat breakfast and lunch at school and they don't eat again until they come back to school. Can you imagine not giving your kids an afternoon snack...nevermind not being able to provide any dinner? What about a snack before bed? These children just go to bed hungry. Right here in Birmingham.

While searching for one school, we had gotten a little turned around and we were later getting to this school than we had planned. We found the counselor and you know what she said? "Oh please come in. I have a family in my office RIGHT NOW that needs help". We met Ms. U and her son. I don't know their story but I know that she doesn't know how she's going to feed her children this summer when they don't have school meals. She was so grateful to meet us. I kind of laughed and said "what are the chances we would be here at the same time?" And the counselor said (in the hallway of the public school), "That was God's timing. He will provide!" Because of God's gracious provision and God's perfect timing, Ms. U and her three children will have a box of food delivered to them this month and in the months to come.

So it's no surprise but guess what? God is at work. He is blessing His people so that they can bless those around them. You don't have to go far to be a blessing. If you're reading this blog, you have internet access. So if you'd like to feed a family this month, please follow the steps below and allow the Lord to use you to minister to the poor and needy in our city. Please forward to anyone you can think of! :)



Grace Klein Construction, Inc. and friends are organizing a monthly food drive to help families in need in Shelby County. We are working in conjunction with Angel Food Ministries as they provide boxes of food at a very reasonable price. .

If you are interested in feeding families in Birmingham, in the name of Jesus, please follow these simple steps:
1) Go online to www.angelfoodministries.com.
2) Select order online.
3) Select host site (choose one)
a. Enter Asbury UMC, Birmingham, AL 35242 – Jefferson County
b. Enter Alabaster First Baptist, Alabaster, AL 35007 – Shelby County
4) Click on order online.
5) Select as many boxes as you wish. (Consider the signature and senior box)
6) Under “Your Information” section enter your full name in the first name
field and enter GKC Friends in the last name field. **This is urgent for
7) Pay by debit or credit card.
8) Done – you just fed some folks (thank you!!)

Once you have completed these simple steps, GKC & Friends will pick up the boxes of food and distribute to families in need in the Birmingham area. We will represent Christ with each box shared. If you are interested in helping with the distribution of these boxes, please email Tim Bower at tim@gracekleinconstruction.com for Jefferson County and Elon Gilchrist at gilchristcrew@yahoo.com for Shelby County.

Grace Klein Construction, Inc.
3325 Lorna Road, Suite 2304
Hoover, Alabama 35216

Monday, May 3, 2010

Some Clarification

Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?

Obviously my last post has garnered much response (some posted comments, mostly personal emails, phone calls, or in person conversations). The responses have been overwhelmingly positive, but of course some have their concerns. I hadn't thought it necessary to deal with people's concerns directly until I read my cousin Jaclyn's comment. You need to know a few things about Jaclyn. 1. She is a phenomenal mother. Really. We've all noticed it from the moment her first son was born. She balances love and discipline, structure and fun like no one else. When Jaclyn has something to say about mothering - I listen. 2. Jaclyn and her husband have experienced unspeakable tragedy in their lives. She has a quiet strength and knows adversity in a way I do not. When Jaclyn has something to say about pain and suffering - I listen. 3. Jaclyn is the polar opposite of outspoken, obnoxious, in-your-face blunt. So if Jaclyn feels strongly enough to boldly express her concerns - I listen.

So this post is not a direct response to my cousin's comment, but her comment did make me stop and think. And I'm sure that her concerns are shared by many out there who know and love us. So this post is to clarify a few things.

A few things I'd like you to know:
1. We are not going alone. This initiative is being led by one of our pastors. He and his wife have 3 children very close to our girls' ages. 30+ families are seriously praying about moving to East Lake as well. Most have put their houses on the market. One couple has already bought a house in East Lake, several others are in the process. East Lake movers range from young singles to young marrieds to young families to families with teens to retired couples. Each person has an amazing story about how God has been preparing them for this. We could write a book.

2. We are not moving into a violent crime area. Yes we will have an alarm system, no we won't be out at night, and yes our patio furniture may get stolen. We are moving into an area of poverty and will certainly be much closer to violent crime than we are in our current gated community. But we feel like we are being reasonable with our choice of neighborhood.

3. School is our biggest decision at this point. Obviously the public schools are not great. However, we truly want to be in community with our neighbors and sending our children away to private school might hinder that. So we are praying for direction trusting that God will show us what is best for our girls and what is best for this mission He has called us to. Though it's hard for me to fathom, God loves our girls even more than we do. I believe that ultimately what is His will and what is best for our children will not be in conflict.

4. We have served in inner city Birmingham in the past but for many months Jes and I have felt frustrated that we "go" and serve (locally or globally) but then come home to our comfortable, easy life. It's just not enough for us. We are thinking of this much like you would think of moving to another country to become a missionary. In many ways this is much, much easier but our hope is to build deep relationships with people. We believe that there is no better way to show the love of Jesus to people than by sharing life with them and we just can't do that from 35242.

I'm sure this doesn't address all questions. Obviously there is risk involved in what we are doing and we don't take that lightly. To be quite honest the welfare of our children has been my first and greatest struggle. I have literally lost sleep over it and I pray I would never, ever put them in danger because I'm being reckless. However, there is no doubt in our minds that this is a calling from God. Honestly, it wasn't my idea. It wasn't Jes' idea. Trust me. It really wasn't. But if we are certain we are called to this then we are certain we can trust God when we go. We are not promised safety, or comfort, or ease. Jesus certainly didn't have a life of safety, comfort, or ease. But we are promised that if God calls us, people WILL be saved and He WILL be glorified. That's what we are living for.

It won't be easy but we go with confidence knowing that God is with us. We covet your prayers. When you worry about us or are frightened on behalf of our girls, please stop right then and pray. I assure you that you have no worry or concern that I haven't felt 10-fold. But God has been faithful to quiet my spirit and calm my heart. All I have to do is pray.

PS: Ben and Kylie DeLoach are the pastor/wife moving to EL. She recently posted some info on her blog that y'all might enjoy.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Journey so far...

I John 3:16-18
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

Without really knowing it, Jes and I have been on a journey for several years now. I'd like to share the highlights with you and then let you in on what God is up to (at least the small part that I can see from here).

March 2007: Jes went to Venezuela (first global mission trip for either of us). He was broken by the poverty he witnessed, devastated for how some people have to live. He came home and said he was "physically ill" coming into our large, luxurious home. Realized that many people he just met live in houses that would fit inside half of our garage. He waited patiently for me to "get it". He had a rather long wait.

November 2008: I went to Guatemala. Starting to "get it". Heartbroken. It was also at that time that I first understood what it meant to really seek God. I came home “addicted” to living for God’s glory. I came home and told Jes I’d rather take a mission trip than a vacation to the beach. He smiled and agreed.

Fall 2008: We read the Treasure Principle (Alcorn) and became overwhelmingly convicted that we were not being good stewards of our money. We began to completely see possessions differently and even began to be truly disgusted with the things we had wasted money on. Why were we spending money on temporary, superficial things when God had blessed us to bless and serve others…to make an eternal impact... to bring Him glory?

Fall 2008: Our pastor challenges us with the Radical series. If you haven't heard it, I beg you to check it out at

We were challenged with the words of Jesus. Jesus says that in order to be a true follower we are to give up everything for His sake. This Christianity is not comfortable or easy but it is the Christianity of the Bible. It is not routine religion. It is outright devotion to follow a Savior who never accumulated wealth and did nothing for selfish gain but lived a life of compassion and sacrifice.

We put our house on the market.

Spring 2009: We began to beg God to make our lives count. Our conversations totally changed. Our goals and dreams started to drift away from wealth and possessions to God’s vision for our lives. God was changing us.

Fall 2009: By this point we were desperate. I was so excited to go to Guatemala but frustrated that it was only for a week. Jes was so disappointed that he hadn’t been able to go to Honduras (thanks to a military coup that shut down the country). God was breaking us.

Fall 2009: Jes attended a Men's Discovery Weekend. He was convicted that he had not been trusting God. God told him, nearly audibly, "I am faithful. I am faithful. Trust Me with everything."

Fall 2009: We began doing Angel Food ministries where we delivered food to needy families once a month. We loved it. We loved spending our day serving others, building relationships, sharing God's hope and love, and living out the gospel. We began to say, “once a month is not enough” “One week a year is not enough”. I was frustrated but Jes was confident. He said over and over, “God is preparing us for something”.

Fall 2009: I came across a blog by an incredible young woman who has given up everything to serve orphans in Uganda. THAT'S the life I want! A life poured out for the sake of others. A life that follows the example of Jesus and brings great glory to God.

So we started to joke about packing up and moving to Uganda to take care of orphans. That didn't seem like a likely route for us but we were yearning to be called to something bigger than ourselves. I started researching international missions, pleading with God to SHOW US SOMETHING.

Mar 5, 2010. Jes and I get a night away. We spend the four-hour drive, dinner, and the rest of the evening having the same conversation we'd had for months. That night I tearfully told Jes that I physically ache to live a life of complete devotion to God. I’m hurting to see God’s glory in my life – it’s a yearning I can’t describe. Jes shares my heart, my longings. So we pray, once more, together, submitting our lives to God, begging for direction.

Mar 7, 2010. We go to church and our pastor presents information on East Lake, part of inner city Birmingham. One of the poorest areas. Staggering statistics on unemployment, orphaned children, single-parent homes, suffering right here in our own city. He challenges us to pray about moving there to serve, be community, be Jesus to the hurting and lost of Birmingham. Something stirred deep within me – to the core of my soul. I couldn't stop weeping, tears flowing down my face. I wrote across the top of my worship guide IS THIS OUR UGANDA?

I will admit that I was scared. I didn't want to go (see previous post What is my Egypt?). I was terrified. Jes was not. He didn't hesitate to commit to praying about this possibility. We even went back and sat through the service again to process all that was said. After several days of praying, Jes realized we were no longer praying "God, tell us if we should go". We were praying "Tell us if we should not" and we could not come up with a single reason. What legitimate reasons do we really have to not go? What is more valuable to us than a life lived out for God's glory?

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

So here we are. Waiting on the house to sell. Trying to be patient but feeling like we will not be living out our calling until we are living in East Lake. We trust fully that God has all the details and all the timing worked out. So we wait. Begging God to use us TODAY to live a life worthy of the calling. Would you pray for us?

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12: With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ

Friday, March 26, 2010

Our God is Eager to Bless Us

Last week, we read in Deuteronomy 28 about the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience that God laid out for His people. It was a stark reminder that God is serious about our obedience...and He should be. His people are intended to reflect His nature, His name, His glory.

I couldn't help but notice that the section on curses was much longer than the section on blessings. Maybe that's because God knew Israel (and all people after them) would seem to be disobedient more often than they were obedient. But don't miss it...God comes back to blessing in chapter 30. Knowing that His people will turn from Him and rebel against Him, He promises that when they repent He will forgive them and bless them. He will restore and prosper them. And not just a little - "abundantly"!

How many of us love to quote Jeremiah 29:11? "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future." I love that verse. But you know what I love even more about that verse? It's God speaking to His people during their exile. They have rebelled and failed miserably as the people of God and He is drawing them back. He is faithful when we are not. He gives grace when we least deserve it. He is generous when we have nothing to offer in return. He is our God and He loves us and is eager to bless us. May that compel us to a life of obedience for His glory!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sick of it

I'm sick of it. Sitting in my fancy office, wearing my nice clothes, looking out my floor to ceiling windows at a beautiful lake. I'm sick of it. I'm physically sick of having hurting people drive across town to see me for an evaluation and turn around and drive right back to their poverty...while I sit comfortably at my desk wondering what the drug reps are bringing for lunch. I am so very grateful for my job and my life but I can no longer deny that there are hurting, starving, suffering people right here in my own city. I've prayed for God to break my heart for what breaks His...and He is doing just that.

I just met a couple. Their story is so similar to so many others I've heard over the years. He was working in a manual labor job, got hurt, and now they have nothing. He is in constant pain with no medical care. They live in the projects and have to beg for help to keep their lights and heat on. And they have a 6-year-old little boy depending on them. She is looking for work but has little experience and even fewer opportunities.

I evaluated him for disability and asked him if he had any questions for me. You know what he said? "Just one question...would you pray for us?" And I broke. For the first time, I really saw this couple, this man and this woman created in God's image. I saw pain and despair and my heart broke. Would I pray for them? You bet. And I did. I prayed with them, cried with them, and hugged them, wishing with everything I had that I could take away their pain.

They left but their story still pierces my heart. Not because it's so unique or tragic but because God's children in one zipcode should not be suffering like this while His children in the next zipcode live in luxury. I'm sick of it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

What is my Egypt?

In Numbers the Israelites stand at the edge of the Promised Land. The land God has promised to them for generations, the fulfillment of a promise made to their patriarch Abraham. To get them to this point God has done nothing short of astonishing miracle after astonishing miracle. He has made His presence known to them in a cloud and in fire. They can see His presence with their own eyes. So they stand, an army ready to enter the land...and they lose their faith. They get scared. They forget God's grace and His faithfulness. They even cry out that they want to go back to Egypt, the land of their slavery.

So what is my Egypt? What do I choose over God's promises? What looks safe and secure but is nothing but shackles and chains? When I take my eyes off God and start to panic, what do I turn to even though God has freed me from it? Is it my house? Maybe my job or the paycheck that comes with it? Is it feeling safe in my gated community or knowing my child is getting a great education in an adorable school that looks like a castle? A lot of the times it's the dreams, the vision I have of a "nice life" with summers spent at the pool, fall spent at football games, and life spent enjoying one event after another. These are Egypt to me. At one point they make me feel safe and secure and then I look again and realize they may be the very things that enslave me. The very things that I cling to instead of clinging tightly to my God. The very things that make me swallow hard when I think of giving them up.

But wouldn't I give it all up...every bit of it to see God's glory in my life? The house, the job, the dream are worthless without Him. They are fading, corroding, disintegrating right in front of my eyes. Only His glory is forever.

God, please please show me how to live this short day in light of an eternal tomorrow. I want my life to count. Don't let me waste it. You are worth it.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Knowing Him is Enough

Here's one of my greatest pet peeves: "When I get to heaven, the first thing I'm gonna do is ask God ________ !"

Doubtful. I bet Job had that thought though. He clearly didn't understand why he was suffering, why his friends were allowed to go on and on about some secret sin that didn't exist, why God wasn't vindicating him. But when God finally revealed Himself to Job (as He will do when we meet Him in heaven), Job was stunned to silence. Then God revealed more about Himself and Job said

"I know that You can do all things and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted...Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I do not know...I had heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You"

I'm actually comforted to know that the God of the universe does not owe me an explanation for anything, but if I seek Him, He will reveal Himself to me. He doesn't answer with why...He answers with Who. May that be enough for me.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Guatemala 09 The Ends of the Earth

Before leaving for Guatemala, I had been praying about how God would use our team and where He might send us. Last year was my first trip and I was so broken by the poverty I saw. I also learned that when I am broken, God reveals Himself in new and amazing ways. So this year, I selfishly prayed that God would take our team to the most remote, needy, desperate village possible. God has been teaching me that the poor and the needy are so very close to His heart…and we are close to His heart when we love His children in need. So that was my prayer, “God take us to the most remote village possible!” In the lake region where we minister, the further up the mountain you go, the poorer the people are. On Monday, our first day to do VBS, our team was told to get in line first for breakfast because we had the furthest to go. We were going to the top of the mountain to a village that had never had VBS before. We were warned that it was cold and windy at the top of the mountain, the people were very poor, they didn’t speak Spanish because they were of Mayan descent, and they had minimal electricity and no running water. But there was a tiny church there eager for our support, love, and attention. We drove straight up the mountain for two hours. We drove down a dirt road and when we got to the end of the road, we drove on the grass until we were literally at the top of the mountain…the end of the road…the most remote village possible. Praise God for answering prayers!

The children of this village were very wary of us. We weren’t sure if they had ever seen white faces before. They had no television, no books, and there certainly weren’t any tourists coming by! We started with music and the children warmed up to us. Our Impacto interpreter presented the Bible lesson in Spanish and the church’s pastor translated it into the local language for the 100+ children present. The children were enthralled. I’d never seen so many children sitting so quietly and attentively. We then did our craft with them and spent time playing with them. Impacto provided a nutritious lunch (a liquid protein meal) for the children and after lunch we did Happy Feet. I cannot put into words how challenging and difficult but amazing this was. Many of the children had shoes but they were in horrible shape. Their feet were absolutely black with dirt and most of them had sores all over them. So we washed those little feet with baby wipes, lots and lots of baby wipes, and put new socks and new shoes on them. It was so humbling to serve these precious children this way. And it was hard. At one point I was genuinely afraid I would vomit from the stench as I pulled rotting shoes off one child’s feet. It was hard but I’d do it again and again and again to have the privilege of showing the love of Jesus to His children. Those little ones are created in His image. What an honor it was to care for them.

I was later journaling and listening to music and one song quotes a verse that was so fitting: Isaiah 24:16 says “From the ends of the earth we hear singing: ‘Glory to the Righteous One’.” Yes, God, from the ends of the earth, the top of the mountain, the end of the road…we hear voices singing Your praises!

And that was just day one.

Guatemala 08 God's timing is perfect

One of my favorite experiences that week was meeting Domingo. Domingo was an elderly man who lived in San Pablo where my team was holding VBS. The first day our bus was an hour late picking us up after VBS. As we were standing around waiting, Domingo walked up to us and wanted to show us his Bible. We realized that Domingo had a Jehovah’s Witness bible. He was a sincere man who genuinely wanted to know God. We offered to bring him a new Bible if he would give us his old one. He agreed. We returned the next day and it was obvious he was surprised but so grateful to see that we had come back to find him. We prayed with him, He accepted Christ and he eagerly traded his old bible for the true gospel! He immediately sat on his doorstep to read and when we looked back a few minutes later he was reading the Word of God to two young boys! God used a “late” bus to introduce us to a man who had nothing to do with our VBS plans so that he could come to know Christ and be an influence for Christ in his village. We came back to pray with Domingo each day, bring him and his wife food, and encourage him. It was such a powerful reminder that God was in control and had a plan far greater than we could see.

Guatemala 08 The Children

Our typical day consisted of VBS in the morning and construction in the afternoon. At the beginning of the week, the children of San Pablo (the village my team visited) were hesitant to interact with us. They had not seen many white people and were very cautious. We taught them Bible verses and praise songs and did crafts and games with them. Their favorite craft was when we took their pictures (with good ole Polaroid cameras) and let them decorate frames for their pictures. We taught them the story of Zaccheus and told them that Jesus knew Zaccheus, called him by name, knew everything about him, and loved him. We taught them and showed them that Jesus knows them, knows their names, and loves them.

By the end of the week, we had developed an incredible bond with these children. They ran up to us, hugged us, and sat in our laps. They held our hands, wrestled with the guys, and cuddled with the ladies. Sometimes they liked to just look at us, in the face, looking into our eyes. In those moments, it didn’t matter that all I could say in Spanish was “Jesus te ama” (Jesus loves you). God’s love transcends all cultures and all languages. What a privilege to be the hands and feet and love of Christ to those children…and what a privilege to be loved by them in return.

The very last day we were over an hour late getting to the village because of a mudslide. Over 200 children sat in an un-airconditioned church, so packed they could barely move, and waited on us to get there. When we arrived, they were so happy to see us, they literally screamed, clapped, and cheered. How humbling. I still cry just thinking about those sweet children. I’ve never laughed so hard or cried so often in one week. I miss them deeply.

Guatemala 08 - who needs luggage anyway?

An excerpt from a letter I wrote after returning from Guatemala in November 2008:
Dear friends,
Where do I begin? I’ve been home from Guatemala for a month now and I’ve struggled daily, yes daily, to write this letter. Not because I don’t want to but because it is impossible to convey everything I want to convey. I honestly wish I had an hour or two with each one of you to share in person what God did in Guatemala the week we were there. It was life changing!

I should start by telling you that I didn’t get my luggage when we arrived in Guatemala City that first night. Keep in mind this is my first trip out of the country EVER, I don’t speak the language, and I’m completely out of my comfort zone. If you know me well, you know I’m a planner and controller by nature. My close friend who was with me admitted that she said to herself “This isn’t good…I don’t think Holly will handle this well”. She was right Holly wouldn’t have handled it well BUT when I realized I had no luggage, God told me immediately, “Your luggage and everything in it belongs to Me. I will handle where it is and where it goes. This is not for you to worry about”. I was immediately released from all anxiety in that moment and for the rest of the week (I didn’t get my luggage until 3 weeks after I returned home). So the next morning, I’m wearing borrowed clothes from one girl and borrowed shoes from another and I realized that I’m wearing better clothes than anything that I packed in my own suitcase. That morning was when God reminded me of this verse, Matthew 6:28:

"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?”

So that was the first of many lessons that week in trusting God and knowing that He would provide everything we needed.

He's got this thing rigged! Part 2

Another example of God working all things out for the good of those who love him.

A team was scheduled to go to Honduras in July but the trip was cancelled thanks to the military coup that occurred. One team member, we'll call her A, transferred her funds to our Guatemala trip for Nov. On that trip was also our friend, S.

Fast forward to December. A finishes grad school, moves home with her parents, and can't find a job. She asks for prayer as she struggles with lack of purpose and fulfillment (and the frustration of being back at home instead of on her own).

Fast forward to January. S experiences a horrible medical emergency causing her to be hospitalized for 9 days, undergo serious surgery, and leaving her weak with vision limitations and pain. S has two little girls to care for.

A and S reunite at a Guatemala Reunion party, where S is still suffering from the effects of her surgery.

A used to be a nanny, wants to move out of her parents' home, needs fulfillment and purpose. S desperately needs childcare, someone to help manage her home, and someone to transport her to doctor's appointments.

A moves in to help S and her family! God knew exactly what His children would need and exactly how to weave their lives together through a variety of circumstances, some of which were quite painful and discouraging. We can be encouraged. God knows what He's doing...He knows exactly how to orchestrate every step of our lives - for our good and for His glory!

He's got this thing rigged! Part 1

As our pastor, David Platt, often says "God's got this thing rigged!" He means, of course, that God's purpose WILL be fulfilled, His plans WILL be accomplished. He gives us the freedom to choose whether or not we participate but when it's all said and done, His will WILL be done.

As we studied Joseph last week and Job this week, it is awesome to be reminded that God even uses pain, suffering, and our own sinful behaviors to work all things for our good and His glory.

I can't help but share just a couple of examples of how this has been true in our lives and the lives of those around us.

Saturday, we were scheduled to deliver food (through Angel Food Ministries and Grace Klein) to those in need in our community. We did this in December and I was so very excited to go back to see our new friends and be a part of what God is doing. Unfortunately at 3:00 Sat morning, Riley started throwing up and was sick the rest of the night and into the morning. So I reluctantly (even tearfully) decided not to go. I was disappointed but couldn't bear to leave her. I believed (and still do) that this was Satan's attempt to thwart what God is doing through this ministry. Because I wasn't going, our friends changed plans and decided that instead of the wife going, the husband would go with Jes (one of them had to take a child to another obligation). The men would admit that they were nervous about going without their chatty, friendly wives to do most of the talking. But God used these two men in a mighty way. They ministered to several men that they might not have spoken to otherwise. They even spent time with one young husband and invited him to our small group - and he came! This guy is such a neat person and is seeking God's will for his life and his family. I believe that God is going to use these friendships to draw this family to Himself...and it just might not have happened if the chatty wives had taken over. :) And in the end, God showed our husbands that He can and will use them for His kingdom and that, if they are obedient, He has amazing plans for them! Praise the Lord for using Satan's dirty schemes for our good and His glory!